Salad Free Money Method (Giftcards)

(Got this link from a friend? Add me on discord) F A I N T#0001

1 - Send your email to get started.

2 - Go to you email, you may have to go through your spam or 'important' tab, but it should be there, it should be from

3 - Download the app on your computer, and open it up.

4 - Once you open the app, sign up with an account.

5 - Now click the "Run" button and leave it for 12 hours, every minute you get 1 XP if it mines, so 720 XP is 12 hrs and you get 5$.

After you get 5$ you can choose to keep going and get more, or reffer others :)

Their discord server for support.!

Some proof of rewards :

(Btw Google Play isn't the only reward.)

Girl in a jacket Girl in a jacket